Board of Directors

The National Library of Finland has a Board of Directors, the status of which is defines in section 71 of the Universities Act.

Duties of the Board

A government decree governs the duties of the National Library of Finland's Board of Directors.
The National Library of Finland's Board of Directors makes the propositions for the library's professional standards and budget to the University of Helsinki. The Board of Directors also verifies the library's operational and financial plan and makes the decisions concerning other, wide-ranging library matters.

See also Government decree on universities 770/2009, 10 §» (

Board members

The Board has up to 13 members and they all have personal deputy members. The University of Helsinki's Board of Directors nominates the board members, deputy members and selects the board president from among the members.

The Ministry of Education and Culture proposes the members and deputy members representing the ministries and libraries to the University of Helsinki's Board of Directors after hearing the libraries. Upon the proposition of the University of Helsinki, as many members and deputy members are nominated to the Board of Directors as in the proposition by the Ministry of Education and Culture.
In addition to this, up to three members and deputy members will be appointed to the Board of Directors, based on a joint proposition of the Ministry of Education and Culture and University of Helsinki.

The Board of Directors' term is four years and shall end on 31.3.2026.

See the list of the Board Members and Board Records (in Finnish)